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Elipsa Documentation:
Faults Dashboard
The Faults Page allows you to monitor and manage operational issues across your building systems. Faults are presented in two views: By Equipment and By Issue, giving you the flexibility to address problems based on specific equipment or types of issues.
Time-Weighted Aggregate Confidence
Predictions from Elipsa's AI models and rules receive a confidence score indicating how far from normal operation the equipment is predicted to be.
Predictions are looked at over a rolling 7-day period with confidence being time weighted to have older issues count less than more recent issues. All time-weighted confidences are added up for the period to get the Aggregate Confidence Score for the model.
This value is used to determine equipment in fault or on the watch list. A value over 5 is considered a verified fault, indicating significant deviation from normal operation and resulting in an alert to the user.
Faults by Equipment
In the By Equipment view, each piece of equipment with active faults appears as a card:
Equipment Card: Each card represents a single piece of equipment with faults. The equipment name appears in red for quick identification and links directly to the FDD (Fault Detection and Diagnostics) page for more detailed analysis.
Fault List: Below the equipment name, a list of active faults is displayed. Next to each fault, you’ll see the Time-Weighted Aggregate Confidence score.
Faults by Issue
The By Issue view allows you to inspect faults by type, organized by equipment category:
Fault Type Cards: Each card represents a different type of fault.
Equipment List: For each fault type, a list of affected equipment and their Aggregate Time-Weighted Confidence scores is displayed.