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Elipsa Documentation:
Energy Dashboard
Energy Monitoring Dashboard
The Energy Monitoring Dashboard provides a detailed view of energy usage and efficiency for a building or site, broken down by the main meter, sub meters, and individual equipment components. Each section of the dashboard displays relevant metrics and visualizations to help users monitor and optimize energy consumption.
Main Meter
The main meter section includes four key areas for monitoring the primary meter for your site: Energy Consumption, Power Demand, Power Efficiency, and Emissions. Each of these areas provides important insights into the overall energy usage of the building.
Energy Consumption:
Current Energy: Displays the current energy usage of the building.
Total Energy Consumed: Shows the total energy consumed for the selected period.
Annualized EUI:
Based on the energy consumed for the period, this metric provides the estimated Energy Usage Intensity (EUI) for the entire year.
Annualized EUI for Like Buildings: Compares the building's annualized EUI to similar buildings to offer context and benchmarks.
Energy Consumption Chart: A visual chart that shows the total energy consumed over time for the selected period.
Power Demand:
Peak Demand: Displays the highest demand for power during the selected period.
Peak Date: Shows the date when the peak demand occurred.
Power Demand Chart: A time-series chart that shows the power demand over time during the period.
Power Efficiency:
Real Power: Displays the actual power being used by the building.
Apparent Power: The total power supplied to the building, including both real and reactive power.
Reactive Power: The power that does not perform useful work but supports the voltage levels in the electrical system.
Power Factor: The ratio of real power to apparent power, indicating the efficiency of power usage. A Power Factor below 1 indicates that some power is being wasted as reactive power. A Power Factor below .8 is considered very low and indicating inefficiencies in the system, higher energy costs, and potential penalties from the utility provider.
Power Efficiency Chart: A visual chart showing real power, apparent power, reactive power, and power factor over time.
Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions are categories used to classify different sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as part of the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol, a widely adopted international standard for corporate emissions accounting. Scope 2 emissions refer to indirect emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, steam, heating, and cooling consumed by the reporting company or building. Scope 3 emissions refer to all other indirect emissions that occur in the value chain of the reporting company or building.
Scope 2 and Scope 3 Emissions: Displays the emissions from electricity usage, including:
CO2e: Carbon dioxide equivalent, representing all greenhouse gases.
CO2: Carbon dioxide emissions.
CH4: Methane emissions.
N2O: Nitrous oxide emissions.
NOX: Nitrogen oxides emissions.
SO2: Sulfur dioxide emissions.
The emissions data is presented in both numerical values and a graphical format for easy interpretation.
Sub Meters
If the building has submeters, this section provides additional insights into energy usage at a more granular level. It includes:
Submeter Breakdown Pie Chart: A pie chart showing the breakdown of energy consumption across all submeters.
Submeter Energy Consumption Chart: A chart displaying the energy consumption for each submeter over the selected period.
Equipment Components
For buildings with equipment components that report power usage, this section breaks down the power consumption by individual equipment. It includes:
Equipment Power Usage Pie Charts: A pie chart for each piece of equipment, displaying the power consumed by each component within the equipment.
Component Breakdown: Shows how much power each component in the equipment is drawing during the selected period.